Powder Extinguishers
For – Solid Fires, Electrical Fires, Gas Fires, Flammable Liquid Fires, Flammable Metal Fires
Powder Fire Extinguishers
Dry powder fire-extinguishers are perhaps one of the most specified extinguishers in the UK workplace. This is undoubtedly because they are multi-class i.e. they can fight many different types of fire.
Is Powder a Magic Bullet? The one-size-fits-all solution?
One of the most specified extinguishers in businesses in Huddersfield and across Yorkshire is Dry Powder. It is usually because powder can fight multiple types of fire (multi-class) and therefore is slightly cheaper but more to the point a safer option to specify. However in certain environments using powder could have a devastating effect on your business. See why in this short video below.
Where to use Dry Powder
One of powder’s greatest attributes is its speed of knock down. It can very quickly extinguish a flame but it has no great cooling properties and sometimes re-ignition can occur. It is more suited to industrial environments where it would be easy to clean up and be not too detrimental to the environment.
It is the only extinguisher you can use on gas and likewise burning metals. It is very important to point out though that a standard powder extinguisher is not suitable for burning metals and requires a unit with a specialist lance known as a ‘Low Velocity Applicator’ (LVA).
It is commonly found in boiler houses, workshops, factories etc. but, as always, the key is to first consider which potential fuels are present and then ascertain which combination of extinguishers will give the optimum protection.
Making the right choice
We supply powder extinguishers in the following sizes: 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg, 6kg and 9kg. When choosing size we must consider the potential fuel size and also who is likely to use it. A 9kg powder extinguisher weighs nearer 15kg therefore if the person using it is quite small or frail they may well struggle to operate it successfully.
All extinguishers require an ID sign to be fitted above stating its contents together with operational instructions. All our prices include supply, commissioning on site and certification for twelve months. After twelve months an extinguisher servicing regime is available and a legal requirement.