Wet Chemical
Use cooking oils and fats – Use on solid fires – Uses a process known as saponification – Turns the fat to soap-like substance
Wet Chemical extinguishers have been specifically designed to combat fires involving cooking oils or fats, Type F fires. They work using a process called saponification which changes oils and fats to soap. The creation of this emulsified soapy top layer then asphyxiates the fire.
Previously the only extinguishers that could be used were either foam or a fire-blanket none of which were particularly successful.
Why Wet Chemical is ideal for deep-fat fires and which extinguishers should never be used
Watch this short video explaining why commercial kitchens should have a wet chemical extinguisher and what potential pitfalls exist.
Wet Chemical Extinguishers
Wet Chem can fight solid fires by cooling. However as they are reasonably expensive it would be somewhat of a waste and water would be much more cost effective. Their primary purpose is to fight fires involving cooking oils and fats. The liquid is applied via a specialised lance.
Despite being around for many years now it is amazing the number of commercial kitchen that are armed with merely a fire blanket or worse, dry powder.
Buying Wet Chemical extinguishers
Wet Chemical can be supplied in either 3 or 6 litre volumes but the most common variant is 6 litre which is ideal for most commercial kitchens. All extinguishers supplied by Fire Key are commissioned onsite, fitted on a bracket with the mandatory ID / Instruction sign. They are certificated for twelve months after which maintenance contracts are available to ensure you continue to meet UK legislation.